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Volunteer Opportunities


Michael T. Simmons Elementary Logo
Michael T. Simmons Elementary Logo

Michael T. Simmons Elementary

Home of the Wolf Pups

Volunteers are needed on Wednesday, May 29th at Michael T. Simmons. 

The event is from 6-7:30. Volunteers will meet in the MTS gym at 5:30 to help set-up & receive specific job assignments.

We are having our annual reading & math program fun night. We will be serving pizza, water, & Kona Ice.
We will have art stations for students to make bookmarks, play games, listen to read-aloud books, play BINGO, and participate in grade level escape rooms. 
We need volunteers to set-up, clean-up, run games/stations, read a favorite book to students, supervise escape rooms, & interact with students. We would love your help!
Please let me know if you have any questions. Sheri Scott 709-7138 or

Use this Google Form to sign up!



Volunteer with Walk N Roll

Bike Shop Volunteer

At the Walk N Roll Bike Shop, volunteers learn and practice bicycle mechanics' skills while refurbishing donated bikes.

These bikes are then used to support Walk N Roll’s bicycle education programs. All skill levels are welcome, and no mechanical experience is necessary.

After applying, new volunteers attend a shop orientation on the first Saturday of the month 1 to 3 p.m.

Regular volunteer hours are Wednesday 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Volunteers are also needed to assist with Bicycle Education Classes and Special Events like Bike Rodeos.

Bicycle Education resources are available at this web address.


Volunteer Olympia has multiple opportunities for volunteering in our surrounding area.



Annual Volunteer Opportunities

Annual Native Plant Festival & Sale (March)

South Sound Regional Envirothon (April)

Orca Recovery Day (Fall)

Water Quality Monitoring  (February & October, dates TBD)

Nearshore Education (Spring, weekdays, dates TBD)

Work parties on private property (Regularly throughout the year)

Follow this link  to Thurston Conservation District for Current Opportunities, Information About Annual Volunteer Events, and How to Stay in Touch!


Thurston County Food Bank

Apply to Volunteer!


Volunteer Tumwater logo

 Current Volunteer Projects & Educational Opportunities


Volunteer to be a Big Brother or Big Sister

Joint Animal Services

Volunteering at Olympia's Animal Services


American Red Cross Home

Youth Volunteer Program at the American Red Cross.

Upcoming Events at the Northwest Washington American Red Cross.


Alan Is Going Running Through D.C. For Charity - 2023 Marine Corps Marathon's Avatar

Soldier's Angels: Register now to become an Angel volunteer and show your support for the Military-connected community! 


Center for Natural Lands Management hosts volunteer events and workshops on many of their preserves and at their Native Seed Farm and Nursery.

Puget Sound Estuarium - Downtown Olympia

The Estuarium is looking for teen volunteers to assist the Lead Interpreter at their Marine Discovery Center during weekend open hours. Teen volunteers can show off rotating exhibit specimens, point out hidden animals in the aquariums, or run a themed craft or activity for visitors. Teen volunteers may be able to take on independent projects as well. Volunteer orientation and training are available.

Nisqually Reach Nature Center | Olympia WA

Nisqually Reach Nature Center

Are you interested in inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards?

Volunteers help guide camp participants through indoor and outdoor camp activities at Nisqually Reach Nature Center. 

Wolf Haven International - Wikipedia


Must be 17 or older to work individually; volunteers who are 16 or younger can work as long as a parent/guardian is on site.