Career & Counseling Homepage
Name: Todd Franklin
Support Students: A - G
Phone Number: (360) 709-7827
Schedule an appointment with me: Click here
Name: Caleb Pedersen
Support Students: H - O
Phone Number: (360) 709-7826
Schedule an appointment with me: Click here
Name: Marcie Hubbard
Support Students: P - Z
Phone Number: (360) 709-7825
Schedule an appointment with me: Click here
Name: Ayn Gore
Support Students: Registrar
Phone Number: (360) 709-7828
Name: Bob Nichols |
Support Students: Career Center Specialist | |
Phone Number: (360) 709-7830 | |
Email: |
Name: Christina Berry |
Support Students: Counseling Center Secretary | |
Phone Number: (360) 709-7821 | |
Email: |
Monthly Information
Graduation Requirements
Click the link above for the Washington State Board of Education's most up-to-date information on graduation requirements.
SENIOR only google classroom
Click the link above to gain access to our SENIOR only Google classroom for up-to-date information, opportunities, expectations, and updates!
Running Start Google Classroom
Are you a Running Start student? Find all of the information, forms and expectations by clicking the link above.
Thurston Together!
Together! advances the health and well being of all young people by using public schools as hubs. The Community Schools Initiative brings community-based organizations and public services together to offer a coordinated range of support and opportunities to children, youth and families, including before and after school and summer enrichment and academic support programs as well as housing support.
Partners work to achieve shared results: Children enter school ready; students attend school regularly; students are engaged in school and the community; families are involved with their children's education; and students succeed academically; students are healthy - physically, socially, and emotionally.
True North
True North provides:
- Prevention - Help for students and families to make healthy choices.
- Intervention - Formal response to behavioral health disorders that leads to better choices and behaviors.
- Treatment - Structured and individualized process guided by a plan to address addiction.
- Recovery Support - Ongoing help, reinforcement, and case management for youth who are attempting to maintain a recovery lifestyle.
True North helps students make the connection between risky behavior and negative outcomes. Our goal is to create a climate that allows students to:
- Discover current behaviors that may be harmful.
- Explore a variety of scenarios and options.
- Experience success in life decisions.
When should you refer your student to True North?
- Their behavior declines.
- They start having trouble in school.
- They start missing school more often.
- They are chronically late to class.
- They ignore old friends in favor of new friends.
- They pay less attention to their appearance and grooming.
- Their activity level and alertness changes daily.
- Their motivation and interest in school decreases.
- They become hostile or get in arguments and fights more often.
- They avoid those who are concerned about them.
- You notice signs of substance use, symptoms of anxiety or withdrawal, or harm to others or self.