Technology Student Association
The Technology Student Association is a non-profit national student organization. Its mission is to inspire its student members to prepare for careers in a technology-driven economy and culture.
TSA’s membership includes 200,000 middle and high school students in 2,000 schools spanning 48 states. We now have chapters in Puerto Rico, Germany, and Scotland as well. In Washington, TSA serves more than 150 middle and high schools, and more than 7,000 students.
Involvement in TSA benefits teachers as well as students. Relating class activities to local, regional, state, and national technology related competitive events can be highly motivational for students. The natural interaction between teachers and students can provide an excellent learning environment, while working toward goals.
Lead Advisor: Mr. Houk President: Josh Wilson Vice President: Zofia Yantis Secretary: Jaya Tummala Treasurer: Kayley Mobley Seargeant-At-Arms: Dhruvil Patel Reporter: Angelia Lord |