Athletic Forms
- The Medical Procedure Authorization Form must be completed in full, for each sport - each season.
- Parent and/or licensed health provider must complete the appropriate Athletic Registration Form, the Physician Medical Examination Form, the Concussion Information Sheet and the Student/Parent Consent Form. These forms will be kept on file and transferred to subsequent seasons as long as they remain valid.
- The student must meet residency requirements.
- The student must meet previous semester grade requirements.
- The student must have an ASB card available for purchase through the ASB Office at a cost of $40.
- The student must have no outstanding fines/fees.
- Students are required to pay the District Sports Participation Fee payable through the ASB Office at a cost of $85 per sport.
- All forms must be on file and final clearance issued by the ASB Office before the student may participate.
- Please keep the following information for your files: Athletic Code which includes general information, eligibility, conduct expectations, Academic Requirements and Discipline Processes and Appeals (pages 6-10)