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Strength and Conditioning

Welcome to Strength & Conditioning. Here you will be able to access useful documents and information needed for the class.

Black Hills High School

Strength and Conditioning

Instructor - Mr. Glock


Arrive to class every day wearing proper clothing (athletic shorts / sweats, athletic shoes, socks,  t-shirt / sweatshirt) and bringing a great attitude and work ethic.


This course was developed to teach strength training concepts that will benefit the student athlete and student looking to enhance their fitness level. The course will cover safety, proper training technique, exercise physiology, and a variety of training programs. The student should acquire a knowledge base that can be useful now and into their future.


Students have the opportunity to earn 5 points daily. These points will be earned by participating appropriately each day. Additional points may be earned through periodic assessments and progress evaluations. Students are expected to monitor/record their progress daily on the provided record sheet.


Students are expected to arrive to class on time and ready to participate. Points lost due to school sponsored activities and excused absences may be made up by taking advantage of the extra credit opportunities. Points lost due to unexcused absences can not be made up for credit.


Students must dress appropriately to be able to participate fully in class. If a student does not dress appropriately, the student will be given alternative exercises to earn partial points for the day. Points lost due to non-suits may be earned back during extra credit opportunities.

Extra Credit

There will be extra credit opportunities offered during PACK time and after school.


