Wimsett, Kevin
Welcome to Mr. Wimsett's Webpage!
Email address: kevin.wimsett@tumwater.k12.wa.us
Classroom phone: (360) 709-7890
Brief biography:
Mr. Wimsett grew up in Tacoma, WA and graduated from Pacific Lutheran University (1996). In 1998, Mr. Wimsett received a Masters in Education through City University of Seattle. In addition to his nearly 24 years of teaching experience, Mr. Wimsett also spent nearly a decade in Pierce County politics serving as an elected member of the Pierce County Council and as a Fire District Commissioner for Central Pierce Fire & Rescue. Mr. Wimsett has been a member of the Wolfpack since 2006. Go Wolves!
Class Schedule:
Period 1 - Civics
Period 2 - US History
Period 3 - AP Government & Politics
Period 4 - US History
Period 5 - Planning Period
Period 6 - US History
Students and parents can access classroom material via Google Classroom. Each student should have received an email to join my classroom for the class period that they are in.